Bhoy" is a 2023 Bengali action thriller directed by Raja Chanda. It follows Ayan, a swimming coach caring for his ailing mother and autistic sister, Anu. His life unravels when his greedy uncle falsely implicates him in a crime to seize the family's property.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Story Line
Amitabha "Amitabha" and Rupsha "Monami" Chakraborty's hunt for a suitable house leads them to a bungalow which seems ideal for their needs. Even after learning that the previous tenant "Tanusri" had committed suicide, the couple start living there. Trouble starts immediately. The maid and the guard invade Rupsha's space with sinister, knowing smiles during the day, and at night she is kept awake by the sound of mournful lullabies emerging from behind closed doors. Windows crack, utensils crash, dolls start to speak and things come to a head when the guard is violently murdered.